The showing of 2000 Mules documentary at Cecil College Lincoln Day Dinner - Cecil County Central Committee Cecil County Fair 2021

Cecil County Republican Central Committee website

Welcome to the Republican Central Committee of Cecil County Web Site. Through this site you can get information on Republican news and events in Cecil County, find out about the Central Committee and the Republican Clubs in the County, volunteer, make contributions, and much more.

 The Cecil County Republican Central Committee holds regular meetings* each month and is not open to the public due to its proprietary nature.  If you have any questions, contact the Chairman of the Central Committee.

Jackie Gregory - Chairperson
Bob Gatchel - Vice Chair
Kathie Kennedy - Treasurer
Sandra Ward - Secretary
Matt Beers
Doug Johnson
Russ Johnson

* Central Committee meetings are not held to the same standards as elected public officials. We are elected by our party to carry on the Republican business for our republican constituents. We do not make nor enact any laws that affect the public at large and are a private entity that is self-governed by party rules created by the MDGOP which consists of all of the central committee members across the entire state as well as county based bylaws that help guide our central committee that are managed by the active county members. As you can image, we hold a lot of information as proprietary as we do not want the Democrat party or special interests to leverage it against us as it has been done in the past. 

It's Not a Crime Perception -Thursday, February 1, 2024
Out-of-touch liberal Senate President Bill Ferguson says that Maryland does NOT have a serious juvenile crime problem, just a serious juvenile crime PERCEPTION problem.
It's Not a Crime Perception -Thursday, February 1, 2024
Out-of-touch liberal Senate President Bill Ferguson says that Maryland does NOT have a serious juvenile crime problem, just a serious juvenile crime PERCEPTION problem.
Booth Street Shakedown -Sunday, January 28, 2024
The Cecil County Republican Central Committee writes to express our frustration at the regrettable actions of the CCPS Superintendent, Jeffrey Lawson. It is disheartening to witness the highest paid public official in our county resorting to manipulative practices and extortionary tactics in an attempt to apply public pressure to influence the budgetary process. Cecil County taxpayers provide Dr. Lawson with an annual salary of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. And in return he provides Cecil County residents, which he is not, with declining enrollment, abysmal proficiency levels, and now a steady stream of propaganda.